Monday, January 28, 2013

Family Matters

January 26, 2013 I traveled to Twin Falls, Idaho with my mother and Cathy and Carlton. It was nice not to have to drive and to have such great conversation and laughs along the way. This photo was taken by Carlton following the session and before we went to Don and Debra's for a luncheon. Don Jr., is heading to the MTC on February 13, 2013 and then to the Nevada Las Vegas West Mission. He is very excited to move forward. I am so proud of him and happy that he wants to serve.

We were also able to catch up with Don, Debra, Michael and Bill's family. What a lovely day. The sun was even out!

Here is a darling photo of Ethan just before he went into surgery to remove the middle lobe of his right lung. He has cysts in all lobes of his lungs but the largest concentraion was in the lobe the surgeon removed. He had surgery on Friday, the 25th so I took the day off and played with Hailie, Natalie and Wyatt. They were so cute and good. It was a nice day (I hope) for them.

Now Ethan isn't as happy as before the surgery but he will heal quickly and he is doing well. We should know in a few weeks the results of the pathological tests on the cysts. I am hopeful all will be well. Taylor and Adam gave him a priesthood blessing Thursday night. Jessica's parents came and helped with the children over the weekend. I'll be taking a turn tonight while Adam is at work.

Family matters. We need to help one another if we are able and make these memories even though some things are harder to experience. Ethan and his siblings and hopefully his parents will feel of our love and support.

My mother asked me the other day if I remember spending a week at Primary Children's Hospital when I was 2 because I had put my right arm into the wringer of the washing machine. I told her no, but I was sorry for the trauma it caused her. She said when she had to leave me and go home, she just sobbed. Now I know how that feels. Parents give so much for their children. Let us always be appreciative of their love and sacrifice.