Sunday, October 31, 2010

We had our ward Halloween party Saturday evening. It was pouring rain when I picked up Jessica, Hailie and Natalie. Hailie, the Lady Bug and Natalie, the Pumpkin Fairy joined us for Chili and cornbread, apple cider and doughnuts. Then ward members chose a classroom to distribute goodies from and the spooks and princesses paraded around the building asking for treats. The Lady Bug received her share and was very pleased about it. It was a wonderful evening. It's always fun when I get to spend time with my grandchildren. I heard Luke was a bumble bee and hope to see photos soon! Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Check out the costumes at my work today! No, I did not dress up! Katrina Hathaway is Alice in Wonderland. Jaqueline Diaz is the Queen of Hearts. TC is Mario. Felicia is a football player and Diane is a cat. Josie Velarde is the one with her son Gabriel. She is my manager.

Monday, October 25, 2010

More photos of Natalie. She looks so much like her daddy.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's been about 3 weeks since I started my restricted diet and I've been able to fit into some of my clothes that were very tight previously. I don't know for sure since I don't own a scale, but I think I've lost about 20 pounds.

I also took a walk today and some photos in the park. We had a pretty good fall rain this morning so I decided to take a few pics.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I don't have a photo for this but just an update on my health. I've finally gotten a diagnosis that I believe is accurate. Since 2001, just after my father passed away and my then husband began to opening express his desire for a life different than I had hoped, I began to have painful symptoms that I thought were unrelated. Over the years, I've tried all kinds of pills and gone to many doctors. I finally saw a urologist who says I have cystitis. It's a chronic disease that causes the nerves in the bladder to be ultra sensitive. It is very painful and hard to deal with. I've had one heprin treatment but currently, even with my insurance, I am unable to afford the other 5 weekly treatments. I am on a strict non-acidic diet which is very BORING! The positive side effect is that I have been losing weight and am able to comfortable wear clothing I haven't been able to get into. I hope to start feeling much better soon but know it will take patience.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thanks to Adam and Jessica for a great birthday party honoring Natalie Grace and her first birthday! They came to my house and brought a yummy dinner. Natty ate a whole piece of cake in record time. She's SO funny! Enjoy the pics!