Monday, October 29, 2012

The Holiday Season Begins

Every year our mortuary on 9th East in Murray sponsors a Trunk or Treat for anyone who wants to participate. This year businesses were asked to sponsor a "trunk" and brought goodies for the kids. It happened on Friday, October 26th beginning at 6 p.m. By the time 7 p.m. rolled around most of the treats had been distributed. I was glad that Adam & Jessica brought their babies to the party! I watched the boys inside while they walked the girls around. Below are some memories!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Always in Transition

Why does my life revolve in my head around the lives of others? I feel like my life is always in transition. I work to pay my bills but is it really what I want to do? I'm always asking myself these types of questions. I delight in the lives of my children and grandchildren and what they are doing. What am I doing? Well--let's make a list.

I exercise. Why? Because after more than a year of doing this on a consistent basis, I am seeing results. I feel better (sometimes) about my physical being.

I TRY to eat well. Sometimes my bad habits sideline me for a time but I always get back in the saddle. Right now I'm struggling with figuring out how to eat well without always picking up a $4.00 salad at Target for a meal. It's been a challenge. Grazing is not a good idea but sometimes I don't feel like making a meal just for me.

I read, crochet, watch some TV, walk in the park, visit Adam's family, talk to my mother and my children, etc.

Work has been stagnant and boring lately. I want more out of my life. I'm not saying I'm jumping into something yet, but I'm pondering and contemplating what it is that I want to do.

More to come.....

Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Birthday, Natalie Grace!

Today commemorates the 3rd birthday of Natalie Grace Lambson. Her entrance into this world was tremulous and we're so happy she is a part of our lives. I love it when she says "I need you Samma!" The photo below taken by her parents exemplifies her personality!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Birthday, Cherilyn!

Twenty-Six years ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I had two sons and wished for a daughter. I wanted her to have dark hair and her daddy's eyes. I received my wish! Now she is is all grown up and is an independent woman recently married to a wonderful man!
Happy Birthday, Cheri!